Everyone’s talking about drones now. Whether for personal shots, professional photo shoots or just for fun, drones are fascinating more and more people in Germany and around the world. Reason enough to take a look at the legal situation in Germany and the relevant drone regulations, which are a must for anyone who wants to fly a drone in Germany.
Maximum flight altitude:
Drones can fly up to 100 metres above the ground They are only allowed to fly higher if they are on an approved type airfield or have received permission from the responsible civil aviation authority. If you are in controlled airspace, a maximum ascent height of 50 metres applies.
FPV flights, on the other hand, are generally permitted as long as the drone is not allowed to climb higher than 30 meters above the ground. If a drone weighs more than 250 grams, you will also need another person to track the drone with the naked eye and alert you to possible dangers during the flight.
Under these conditions, the law does not consider flying to be “flight out of sight”. If these restrictions are out of question or cannot be implemented, one can apply for a permit for flights out of sight at the National Aviation Authority. However, this permit is only granted for unmanned aircraft with a take-off mass of more than 5 kg.
Mandatory insurance:
Similar to other motorized things, when using a drone, one is also obliged to take out a drone insurance for use in Germany and thus be sufficiently liable for possible damage.
Maximum take-off weight (MTOW):
Up to a weight of more than five kilograms, you can fly your own drone without a permit, provided you follow other rules. If you want to operate a drone with a weight of more than two kilograms, you need a German drone license.
Distance to airports:
At the external borders of airports, a safety distance of 1.5 kilometres must be maintained. This is not without reason. Time and again, drones cause breakdowns and security risks at airports. The latter is often even associated with potential terrorist projects.
Contrary to what is generally assumed, you cannot simply buy a drone and fly off with it. Germany is a country of regulations and laws, and drones are also affected by these. You should carefully study the regulations before buying a drone to avoid unpleasant surprises and possible fines and simply enjoy your drone.